Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fifi's 1st Grade Curriculum- Grammar/Language Arts

Fifi is my 5 year old daughter. She will be starting 1st grade in the fall. The curriculum I have put together seems a tad advanced for a 5 year old but this is her 3rd year homeschooling and is pretty advanced in certain areas.

As with every subject, I will be using my Comprehensive Curriculum Grade 1, as well as the Scholastic Workbook Set Grade 1. With Fifi, I am still able to find alot of extra workbooks at Walmart and The Dollar Stores. I also use for her printables.

This is her Language Arts/Grammar Schedule for 38 weeks.
Scholastic Grammar Workbooks are SGW and Comprehensive Curriculum are CC

1) Capitalization- SGW and CC
2) Periods and Question Marks -SGW and CC
3) Capitalizing "I" -SGW
4) Simple Sentences -SGW and CC
5) Word Order - SGW and CC
6) Question Sentences - SGW and CC
7) Naming Words (nouns) - SGW and CC
8) Proper Nouns- SGW
9) Days, Months and Holiday- SGW and CC
10) Unit Review- CC and pages I make up
11) Verbs- SGW and CC
12) Adjectives - SGW and CC
13) Telling Sentences- SGW and CC
14) Exclamation Sentences- SGW and CC
15) Singular and Plural Nouns- SGW and CC
16) Verbs (be) - SGW andCC
17) Nouns - SGW and CC
18) ABC Order - SGW and CC
19) Caps with Titles- SGW and CC (also working with library skills)
20) Unit Review- CC and pages I make up
21) Nouns- SGW and CC
22) Linking Verbs- SGW and CC
23) Capitalization of Names- SGW and CC
24) Synonyms and Sequencing- CC and Simple Sequencing from Learning Line
25) Synonyms and Sequencing- CC and SS
26) Antonyms and Sequencing- CC and SS
27) Antonyms and Sequencing - CC and SS
28) Homophones and Sequencing- CC and SS
29) Homophones and Sequencing- CC and SS
30) Rhyming and Sequencing- CC and SS
31) Rhyming and Sequencing- CC and SS
32) Unit Review and Sequencing- SS and CC and pages I make up
33) Sequencing- SS
34) Sequencing- SS
35) Sequencing- SS
36) Sequencing- SS
37) Year in Review- CC and pages I make
38) Testing- I make up the testing

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