Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12, 2008

August 12th
Made a picture of polar bears with the big girls
Helped mom sort dvds, games and programs discs to different spindles
Played Monopoly JR and Clue with the big kids

Coco and Mimi:
Math – Counting By 2s
We counted by 2s and 3s with the white board and on the number board
Science – Coco wrote out her 5 sentences for the field trip to the recycling center tomorrow but the trip was rescheduled.
Social Studies- Color an animal from Alaska
We made pictures of an Alaska scene with polar bears, salmon and sadly narwhals. Yes, we know narwhals are from Greenland not Alaska but they are just really cool.
(Read letter from Melinda and look at gift bag from Alaska)
Reading - … pending how far along in book each girl is...
This reading is still slow going. I think they are both around page 10 or 12
Spelling- Write sentences using spelling words that make sense
We wrote sentences using lesson 1’s words and then we used the same sentences to identify the verbs.
Language Arts- Play Charades with Verbs only
We used our spelling words to make sentences and then picked out the verbs and nouns. Unfortunately, Mimi felt she didn’t have to finish the sentences because Coco finished her first, so she just lied to me and went upstairs to play. I explained to both her and her mother that if Mimi doesn’t want to do the work, she doesn’t need to come here and waste my time. Mom had no viable answer. Oh well, sos tomorrow. We canceled Charades because Mimi was crying and Coco was annoyed. We opted to just list as many verbs as we could orally.
Foreign Language- Signs for everyday words
(DVD First signs Everyday Sign)
We used my computer to watch to dvds this morning. ABC time and Everyday Signs. Coco loves sign language and Mimi can mimic it for a while but doesn’t retain any of it the next day. Fifi isn’t retaining any of it either.

August 12th
Math– Place Values
Another 98 % on the online game of place values! I'm debating on if we should stick to the plan or move on to the next chapter?
Science- Fill in the blanks, the body
No problems or concerns. The only problem we ran across is this was a premade lesson from www.theteacherscorner.net and two of the answers didn't make sense, Lola and I did figure it out though LOL
US Geography-Make Flag of Alaska
(Paper, colored pencils, map from AAA)
Reading- Read 1 hour
Spelling- Write Spelling sentences
We wrote out our sentences getting double "points" for using two in the same sentence.
Language Arts- Proofreading Lesson
Foreign Language- Signs for everyday words
(DVD First signs Everyday Sign) Lola's retention is pretty much the same as Fifi's. Shes more interested in instructing the younger girls than learning it enough to keep it.

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