Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day One, The School Year Begins

This is our first year with everyone homeschooling. Last year it was just the teenage boy, but this year he is the only one who wants to go to public school... Go figure.
So we begin. Our daughters are 11 (Lola), 8 (Coco) and 4 (Fifi). We are also helping out a friend with her daughter while she is working, I have named her Mimi and she is also 8. Clearly, these are made up names LOL.
The state of Ohio, which we just moved back to in June, has very little in the way of restrictions for homeschooling. Their guidelines, however, are exact. We have a few more days to submit our curriculum and a mock lesson plan to the superintendent of schools for approval. Me, being the procrastinator that I am, finished them today during our first classes. We have to be teaching, language, reading, writing, spelling, math, science, history of the US and Ohio history, fine arts PE and health. They also want us to include first aid and fire safety during the course of our school year.
So far this year I have:
Math- 6th and 4rd graders are doing the same thing at the same time in different levels. Lola is not very strong in math, so we should be okay. Today Coco and Mimi took a Welcome Back multiplication quiz where they both got less than 75%. Clearly we will be redoing our math facts throughout the first quarter. For those interested I am using http://www.aaamath.com/ and math worksheets I get at the library. Canton OH has a fantastic homeschooling section of their library.
Science- Lola will be doing Human Anatomy while Coco and Mimi are doing Earth Sciences. Today we started our course with Recycling. They seemed to love it. Lola missed her first day of most of her classes because her cheerleading summer program doesn't end until next week.
Social Studies- We are doing US Geography in alphabetical order. We started today with Alabama. All three of the older girls filled in an outlined map of the state showing its major cities and land formations. Since I belong to a website called Cafemom, I have been able to make friends all over the country who were able to send up refrigerator magnets and postcards and even booklets about their states. The girls have loved getting mail from all over, knowing it was for school.
Ohio History- This was just thrown at me yesterday. I probably should have read the statutes before then... I did mention my likelihood of procrastination?... We will be studying the 8 major tribes that were either from or moved through Ohio. We are only doing Ohio History on Thursdays. We will be starting with the Iroquois.
Reading- Coco and Mimi are reading Matilda by Ronald Dahl. Lola is reading The Little Princess by Burnett. I have yet to gage how fast or slow Coco and Mimi can or will read, but they are both required 30 minutes a day. I made up test for their comprehension. Lola has already read the first 2 chapters today.
Spelling- I found the really great site. At first I was just using it for its math games but then I found it has spelling resources as well as vocabulary resources. http://www.aaaspell.com/ Today we took their 13 words for lesson one and wrote them out, making flash cards with the definitions on the back. They separate them by grade level so Lola has different words than the other two girls.
Language Arts- Coco and Mimi are starting the parts of speech. Today we discuss, mostly as a refresher, what a noun is. Lola will be starting sentence structure next Monday when I can have her undivided attention.
Foreign Language- Our household speaks Spanish. Mimi speaks French. When choosing a foreign language we decided to go with American Sign Language. That way we are all starting from the same place. Today we learned the alphabet. We found these great wall borders online and I printed them on photo paper and hung them around our classroom.
For Health and PE, my girls (Coco, Lola and Fifi) all belong to the Multi Diversity Center in Canton. I teach Spanish there two days a week. They take cheerleading, arts and crafts, 4H, and play league soccer. The program is funded by grants to help with drug and alcohol abuse prevention. For every 90 minute program the also participate in a 30 minute A & D abuse prevention class. I think Mimi's mother may have her join the program as well.
Well, this was out first day... Wish us luck!

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