Friday, August 8, 2008

August 8th, Our First Week

August 8th
Math- Finish place value lesson with addition problems with regrouping
Math Skillbuilder worksheet
Coco picked it up right away. Lola sat with Mimi until she started crying that it was too hard and we aren’t fair to her. 6 + 5 is not too hard for an 8 year old unless she chooses not to do the work. I explained to her that there are a few people here who will help her if she asks, but we will not do the work for her. I also explained that if she is going to fight me every time I ask her to write a sentence, think independently or do anything she considers hard work, I can’t be her teacher. Half of this is testing me and laziness. The other half is work I am willing to put into it, if she is.
Science- Recycling Crossword Puzzle
We also did an oral quiz on the environment on LOL
Reading – Continue Matilda
Spelling – Spelling Test
Mimi got three right, I don’t understand her mistakes. I have to look at it more and see if I can find a common pattern. Coco got 8 right, which sadly is one less than the pretest the other day. Her pattern was forgetting “r” in most of her words. She also has a hard time telling between o and a phonetically. We will be doing the same words next week to practice new ways to learn spelling words.
Language Arts – Proper Noun Identification worksheet
Finished Noun collage. Lola helped finding words and the girls had to use the word in a sentence, outloud to win the word. Fifi also did another collage. Both Coco and Mimi did the worksheet with Lola's help while I made empanadas for Mimi's moms party.
Foreign Language – Numbers in ASL, Practice ABCs We also inadvertently learned "My name is", "What is your name?" and "How can I help you?" from the videos on We reread Moses Goes To School to kill some time before our field trip.
Extra- Field Trip to the North Canton Roller Rink 12:30 pm to 4 pm

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