Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 26th 2008

This is Lola helping Fifi spell out her spelling words with foam tile puzzle pieces.

1 comment:

Becca's Bookshelf said...

Hey girlie:) I was readin your blog on the homeschooling, and it looks good:) One thing I wanted to suggest, as a prior student in ASL, (two years of it at the local community college level, of course, I lost most of it after about a year away from it.) is this book, here's the B&N site where you can see it. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Basic-Course-in-American-Sign-Language/Frank-A-Paul/e/9780932666420 It's a wonderful book in the aspect that it teaches proper ASL grammer, which is very very different than that which we use in English. I didn't know till I took the class that it was so different! Anyway, this book was awesome because it really made the signs clear and it was easy to learn from without the teacher even! It also comes with a DVD to assist. :) Anyway, not sure what your extent of familiarity with ASL is, but thought maybe you'd be open to the suggestion:) Anyway, I love the blog, totally jealous, would LOVE to HS my older boys, but alas, they have jerks for fathers, so I am screwed:( Anyway, love you much and I will chat witcha soon!:) love you Mija:)